One of the most interesting aspects in the care of facial aesthetics is surely represented by the colour of the skin. In different moments of life, during pregnancy, as result of a trauma or with the approaching to the mature age, cutaneous hyper pigmentations can appear.
A thick superficial layer of dead cells provokes an old and rough skin. If these cells are removed we will surely obtain a more shining, young and well-treated look. The skin will be smoother and it will have a more uniform pigmentation.
When a patient comes to my medical room and asks me for an opinion, I suggest taking care of the skin first. In this field peelings represent a winning therapy! Basically we peel the skin with some acids, removing in this way the spots.
Peelings are measured out in their depth of action and can be divided in:
Superficial peelings:
- Glycolic acid
- Jessner’ s solution
- Salicylic acid
- Pyruvic acid
- Tretinoic mask
- Medium peelings:
- Jessner solutions
- Trichloroacetic acid
- Blue peel e yellow pee
- Phenol
- Trichloroacetic acid