The reassemble wires of suspension

These non-invasive medical techniques, non-surgical, can replace some procedures such as rhinoplasty and facelift.
Hyaluronic acid

After the advent of collagen in the ’80s, the second revolution in the use of new material was the hyaluronic acid, in the ’80s and ’90s. There is not such a used material of these past years as hyaluronic acid, and the treatment done with this material are millions all around the world. It is a natural […]
Polylactic acid

Polylactic acid is a substance that has been used for many years in varied medical applications. It is has been used in aesthetic medicine for few years to correct furrows and deeper wrinkles. Basically it is composed by micro particles that are homogeneously injected in the sub epidermis or more superficially in the skin. Every […]
Botulinum Toxin

The botulinum toxin has been used for many years now for neurologic and oculist use. It has been very helpful for many diseases as the spasmodic stiff neck, strabismus, blepharospasm and thousands of patients underwent the treatment! Since 1987, two Canadian partners, both ophthalmologists, the Carruthers had a genial idea to use this toxin for […]
CO2 fractioned laser

CO2 fractioned laser: a very useful and safe innovation for skin rejuvenation Technology improves every day. In particular in the field of lasers, we had an exponential revolution in those past few years. Equipment that were updated last year, today are obsolete and the last generation machines allows very good results, in view of safety […]
Aesthetic mesotherapy

Aesthetic mesotherapy is a non-invasive cosmetic technique used to address various skin and body concerns. It involves the injection of small amounts of active substances, such as vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid, or specific medications, directly into the targeted areas. These microinjections deliver active ingredients to the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating regeneration and promoting […]
Peelings in the treatment of hypermelanosis

One of the most interesting aspects in the care of facial aesthetics is surely represented by the colour of the skin. In different moments of life, during pregnancy, as result of a trauma or with the approaching to the mature age, cutaneous hyper pigmentations can appear. A thick superficial layer of dead cells provokes an […]
Bio revitalization

Skin represents one of the most sophisticated “organs” of our body. It has to protect from external aggressions, it has the fundamental task to maintain the internal homeostasis and it is useful to regulate a lot of important functions such as sweating, but it is also fundamental for interpersonal communication as love. In fact it […]